Serving the Western US since 2003Serving the Western US since 2003
Sonitx Divisions - Click on the division you are looking for
Sonitx - Government Contracts - RFPs
Sonitx - Government Contracts - RFPs
Sonitx - Government Contracts - RFPs
The main Division of Sonitx - Owned by Chris Shelton,
Cleans HVAC coils under government contracts only.
Sonitx West - Commercial
Sonitx - Government Contracts - RFPs
Sonitx - Government Contracts - RFPs
Sonitx West - Owned by Ryan Hinrichs, Cleans HVAC Coils and Services Air Filters for Commercial building accounts including Industrial, Office, Manufacturing, Utilities, Warehouses, THC and Retail Shopping Centers.
Sonitx National - Air Filter Manufacturing
Sonitx National - Air Filter Manufacturing
Sonitx National - Air Filter Manufacturing
Sonitx National - Owned by Abby Miles and Shelly Shelton - Manufactures Commercial grade electrostatic air filters for Government, Commercial, and home use.
Faythworx - Water Filtration
Sonitx National - Air Filter Manufacturing
Sonitx National - Air Filter Manufacturing
Faythworx - Owned by Fayth Shelton - Manufactures waste water filtration for the Power Washing Industry, Government buildings, Property managment, Food and Gas station chains.